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Scoliosis Management

When detected early, scoliosis can be managed to prevent the progressions of the curvatures. Most cases of scoliosis appear for unknown reasons as scoliosis tends to develop before puberty in children who previously had no spine issues.

Many cases of scoliosis do not require surgery and respond extremely well to chiropractic care.

Common signs of scoliosis include:

• Head consisted tilted to one side

• One shoulder higher than the other

• One shoulder blade more prominent that the other

• Having an uneven or sunken chest shape

• One hip higher than the other

• One leg appears shorter than the other

Most people with scoliosis are unaware that they have it as it is not severe or painful enough to affect their daily lives. There is no cure for scoliosis, but if not cared for, scoliosis can cause additional issues into adulthood such as back pain, numbness or tingling in your legs, fatigue, and breathing problems. Luckily, chiropractic care along with back strengthening exercises are a great means to eliminate discomfort.

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